How to say светодиодная лента in English

Are you struggling with finding the right translation for светодиодная лента? Here are some tips and suggestions to help you out:

One possible translation for светодиодная лента in English is LED strip.

(12+) Виды слаботочных светодиодных лент. Какие модели есть на рынке и их возможности!

If you want to be more specific, you can also use LED ribbon to refer to светодиодная лента.

Показываю монтаж светодиодной ленты в потолочные световые линии. Как делаю я. Мои секреты.

When using the term LED strip in English, it is important to provide context to avoid confusion.

Светодиодная лента 5 м

Consider using phrases like a strip of LED lights or a flexible LED strip to provide more information about the specific type of светодиодная лента.

Светодиодная лента 220 Вольт: как подключить, ошибки новичков, монтаж, коннекторы. Инструкция всем.

Remember to use appropriate articles (a, an, the) when translating светодиодная лента into English.

Как подключить светодиодную ленту без пайки(Самый простой способ подключения светодиодной ленты)

For example, you can say I bought an LED strip for my room or The LED strip is available in different colors.

Как согнуть светодиодную ленту на 90 градусов

Its always a good idea to provide additional context or description when translating specialized terms like светодиодная лента.

Consider explaining the purpose or function of the LED strip, such as a flexible strip of LED lights commonly used for decorative purposes.


Do some research and read about different types of LED strips to understand their characteristics and applications in English-speaking contexts.

Reviewing sample sentences and consulting online dictionaries or specialized glossaries can also help improve your translation skills for светодиодная лента.

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